This is the first time in awhile that the internet has been down, not only last night, but also this morning. Now it's finally up and running and I can write. I had the day off of work and decided to go golfing, again. It was great. Then the whole project went out to dinner, a place called Newks. After the talk we played this game called bigger, better, best. There were like 6-7 teams of 8 people or so, and each team started off with a penny. You would do around public places and trade people something bigger and better. It was fun to see what some people brought back. Last nights talk was on principles. A principle is a briefly and clearly expresses statement of universal truth (always true). A Biblical principle is the message behind the words. Two quotes that were used that I really liked where, It is not how much I understand but how much I use. That is what I am learning here, not only how to study scripture and learn about it, but how to apply it to my life and make it useful. The other is, the opposite of ignorance is not knowledge but obedience. This is so important to me, they can teach me as much as they can here in Panama, and I can use it the same. If I am not obedient to my Lord and Savior and His principles it is meaningless, it serves no purpose. I'm learning that it is more than knowledge. When reading scripture I have previously talked about observations and interpretations, Principles are the truths we pull from our observations and interpretations. This is why scripture memory is important. To really know something you got to really know it. To retain the meaning of Scripture to affect our daily course of action, even when we cannot remember a verse "word perfect." Scripture memory is something that we do here, try and learn 3 verses a week. I am not very good at it, and word for word correct is very difficult for me. But It is still going round and round in my head on a daily basis, and if I choose to apply what I am learning then it is a huge benefit in my life. Pulling out principles is one of the best things I have learned how to do here. A principle should go from general to the specific. A principle should correlate with the general teaching of Scripture. In the end this will help us to make Godly decisions. Doing this gives you the tools and the know how, in how to live on a daily basis. Principles help bridge the gap between information and application. Here ares some examples of principles I have pulled out of Scripture. 2 Corinthians 3:18, All Christians are being transformed into the same image of God. 1 John 1:8-10, We all have sin. God will forgive us of all, if we confess. Joshua 1:8, Stay in the Word. Philippians 2:3-4, Die to self. Not yourself, but others first, they are more significant. Also care about others interests....... These are all universal truths, because the Scripture is true and the message is clear. So with this information I can apply this to my life in order to not only better myself, but please God and be a good witness to others. Please pray that I can do this on a daily basis.
Serving Him,
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