Last night was the big relationship talk. Everyone was making a huge deal about it. It is usually a very convicting talk, and it really puts many people in perspective of their relationship. Natalie and I weren't worried one bit, we were actually looking forward to the talk. We are both very confident about our relationship and truly see God guiding our path together for marriage. I can confidently say that God has called her to be my wife and I know she feels the same way. So in saying that, I was not worried about a relationships talk. If a talk is going to possibly put your relationship in jeopardy or question, then you probably shouldn't be in that relationship. Tony, who is my campus outreach leader, mentor, discipleship leader, the man who really turned my life around, and friend; Him, his wife Claire, Natale, and myself all went out to dinner for a double date. It was really fun, it wasn't for counseling or anything like that, it was just a fun double date. We all really enjoyed it, well at least me Natalie and I did. After that we went to the relationship talk. They gave their relationship testimony and then dug into the Word. The main focus of the talk was based on Genesis 2:15-25. Just about all of us know the Adam and Eve story, but it was really nice hearing it put in perspective. Starting in verse 18 God explains how it is not good for man to be alone and how loneliness should not be. God sees your needs and knows how you long to be loved and love someone else. God says
I will meet that need. God will not always meet that need immediately. Remember, in His time, not ours, His will be done. Much easier said than done. We must fully give ourselves to God, and completely go forth into the responsibilities He has called you to do. Seek first His Kingdom and everything else will fall into play. Don;t go searching around, just do what he calls you to do and do it full heartedly, and He will take care of the rest. We must seek God and take all are desires to Him, have Him meet them His way. The key is that you must trust He will provide. Your life will look completely different if you hand Him the keys to your life and let Him take over. Not any of this Jesus is my co-pilot junk, more like He is my pilot and I am His passenger. Trust Him to take control. Again MUCH easier said than done, I know this first hand. I know I am no expert on relationships, and never claimed to be, but I did get some good advice last night. Don't solely rely on your partner to meet all your needs, it won't happen and it entirely un-realistic. Only God can take care of all your needs. The example he used was like a bridge that says 5 Ton max, don't over load that bridge. God doesn't have a maximum and He can handle it all. Look to Christ to take care of your needs so that you can give all yourself to your spouse. I have been called to lay my life down for my wife, when the time comes. If I don't overwhelm myself by trying to take her burden and mine, but rather give it all to Him, I will be able to give her everything I humanly can, and be the man that God has called me to be in her life. I must first accept Gods gift of grace, and rely on Him to meet all my needs. In verse 21 it shows how God does provide, God provides a companion, what he says he will do, he will do. I like this analogy, God made women from Adams rib, not from the head so that she tops him or not from his feet to be trampled on. Rather the rib, to be equal, under the arm to be protected, near the heart to be loved. After the talk Natalie and I talked and this only boosted our confidence about each other. Yes, we know we have a lot to do and work on before we get married, but each day is a step closer. Each day God works in our life and mends our relationship. We give it to Him and trust Him with us and He will provide. I'm sure I caught some of you off guard with this blog, but I am glad I could open you up to it. Please pray for my relationship with Natalie, for her and for me. Pray for all the relationships here at project.
Serving Him,
Daniel...I really liked/loved Natalie the very 1st moment I met her. I kept saying to my friends that if there were 500 girls in a room & I was asked to pick one out for you...I would have picked Natilie. She even looks like a Fraley ! (Not me,,,for heaven's sake !) I probably see some of your Mom in her. She looks a lot like Aunt Laurel. I'm glad God is blessing your relationship & that you are looking to Him. Relationships can get so screwed up. They are hard. So you are looking in the right direction. I hope that God is picking her for your wife. It seems that way, doesn't it? I love you Daniel ! More than you'll ever know. I'll hang up now and pray for your while I'm watering my plants ! Keep finding that "little boy" in you that God created. It's there !
ReplyDeleteLove you & I can't wait to see you ! Aunt Claire