Friday, July 23, 2010
Last Day
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Make War
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Effectively Relating to Others
Today was our first return training. I wasn’t really looking forward to it. After the talk was campus time, which was awesome, we all went out to lunch and spent some time reflecting on the summer. Then we went out to the fields and played some ultimate Frisbee, it was just a great day. An even better night, because one of the CO staff, John Muller and his wife Ashley, went on a double date with Natalie and I. It was just amazing. We went to Longhorn’s for dinner, then went to the talk, and after went to yogurt mountain for desert. Not only was it a great night, but I love John and Ashley and they love us. We were all sad that we we’re all not going to be in Charleston. The talk today was really good, and so practical for me. He started off with a good saying, that involved for when we leave project and go back to reality. Will we die, survive, or thrive. We learned 7 ways to help us be witnesses of Christ, and to continue to stay strong in Him. 1. Keep walking with God, 1 Timothy 4:15-16, James 1:22-25. I was told how important it is to not wait till your "fuel light" comes on. We are not like a car that can run on empty. We need to stay plugged in or we will get burned out, and fast. Here on project, we've been in a "Green House" environment. It has enabled our spiritual growth beyond imaginable. Once we leave, we will be back out in the regular world. No more meetings and singing and prayer time, and fellowship, and so on. It takes effort and we must remain in Him. 2. Seek Godly fellowship, Hebrews 10:24, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. In order to stay above water you have to have someone there to pull you up. If you think your are above, pride comes before the fall, and you will fall hard. Accountability is huge and enables you to stay focused on Him. 3. Flee from temptation at all cost, Genesis 39:2, 2 Timothy 2:22, 1 Peter 5:8-9. The story of Joseph demonstrates it the best, not hanging around thinking you can stand strong. Running from sin, stay as far away from it as you can. Leaving Panama City we will be entering war, we must know our enemy. He is smart, crafty, and good at it. We are leaving with targets on our backs, but God is greater, much greater. Being a Christian can be costly, but it is more costly not to be. 4. Remember that others had a summer too, James 1:19. This is for when I start sharing with others, not to overwhelm them with all this "Christian Stuff". People love to talk about themselves, listen first. When you do get the chance to talk, Glorify God, not SBP. Share just a little, don't overwhelm people, and wait for them to ask more questions. This one is definitely important to me, I can get on a tangent very quickly, and I must remember this. 5. Expect to be misunderstood, Mark 6:1-6. The people who are my friends weren't here this summer and will not be able to relate to me, they won't get some things. That's expected because they were not here. Plus Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior was not misunderstood by many, Please read Mark 6:1-6 it relates to this very well. 6. Speak louder with actions than words, 1Corinthians 4:20, 1 Peter 3:15. Doing this will really open up the ears of hearers. What does that mean? Anybody can talk, but to actually live this way is another. It is much harder and speaks louder than anything else you could possibly say. Lastly, 7. Pray, pray, pray. We are needy and need to be praying. Praying demonstrates our faith. We need to spend more time talking to God about men then talking to men about God. Praying scripture is very powerful, if you are interested in getting this long list of good praying scripture let me know. Please pray that I will apply all seven steps to my upcoming future, and that I will not just survive, but thrive for the Lord.
Serving Him,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Spreading His Image
Last D-Group
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The God of my Future
Let's Do This
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Can We Trust The Bible
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Another Day
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Church and the Word
Monday, July 12, 2010
The God of my Money
Saturday, July 10, 2010
We're All in This Together
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thorn In My Side
Meditation and Journaling
Today was a great day. Natalie had the day off, so we did a kind of date day. First we started off the day right by getting in the word with God together. That was awesome because not only was it nice to spend time with God but with Natalie also.Then we did a nice beach walk and walked down to the Holiday Inn (the one where I worked at the bamboo grill), and I got her a free lunch. Then we went to the library and read some books. It was a nice day. Then the whole project when to this really good barbecue place called Sonny's. All in all, a good day. Thursday night training is on Bible study, and tonight was my favorite. We learned about meditation and journaling, what it means and its important. The practice of meditation and journaling aids in allowing God's word to saturate your heart with truth. It is a learned skill and practice that requires self-discipline and patience. The process of meditation is clear in the scriptures, Joshua 1:8, take it literally. I rarely ever have a silent moment with God, and I need to. Our foundation is the word, and I need to get better about memorizing scripture. Psalm 1. Not to memorize it like a homework assignment but all day to think about scripture, dwell on it, when I am alone meditate on it. I need to apply it to my life. The word meditation can really throw some people off. Biblical meditation is not the kind practiced by many Eastern religions. It is not about going blank and letting yourself be free. It is also not the kind that is practiced by "Christians Mystics" which focuses all on you and not God. Biblical meditation is thinking deeply on some truth revealed in the Bible. This is not done at first glance, you must really sit down and think about what you are reading. Focus our thoughts on what the Bible says about God and the Gospel. We need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Romans 12:1-2. When doing this you need to be still, quiet, and process what the Bible is revealing to you. This isn't something you would do in the grocery store, or when out and about. It should be time set aside in your day where you can just be in the presence of the Lord. Practically, we should spend time daily meditating on what you are seeing in the Bible. This is something I need to work on, what do I think about after my quiet time, how do I apply it to my life. I need to be thinking abut is over and over.Spend time periodically in extended meditation and journaling. Meditate on the scripture you are memorizing. Scripture memory is not suppose to be shot off like a sports fact of trivia question. But something that you spend so much time thinking about that it becomes engraved in you. Lastly, spend time thinking on the qualities of God, and the Holy Spirit, knowing God more. After the talk they gave us 15 minutes of quiet time to reflect on the word. It was nice for me to go over my journal, and the scripture that Natalie and I had gone over earlier that day. Because it is important for me and her to get in the word together, it is even more important for me to spend time alone with Him. Something I have started here on project, actually since May 31, is i journal every time that I spend time in the word. I can write down thoughts, observations, interpretations, principles, and applications. This has really enabled my spiritual walk with Christ to grow even more. Last night was the first time I spent quietly reflecting on what I had written down. It was peaceful, and i really enjoyed it. Please pray that I will continue to do this, that I will continue to journal and meditate on His word, and grow in the Lord after project is over.
Serving Him,