Friday, July 2, 2010


Last night the internet was down, nothing new, but every Thursday night is Bible study training. If you haven't been following my blog Bible study training has consisted of observation, interpretation, principles, and now application. Application is how you apply it to your life, really and truly apply it. Most of us stop at interpretation. We observe what is said, then we interpret the scripture, some of us may take a principle out of it like don't lie or something of that nature but many of us don't apply it to our lives. For some the Scripture is just text, like any other book, for others it is just head knowledge and really worthless. We must be transformed, our goal is to be transformed into the image of Christ. Romans 12:2, James 1:22-25. Observation and interpretation without application is failure to do what the scriptures are intended to do. So basically it is pointless. Applications simply answer the question of, how does it work? Applications need to be measurable, attainable, and clear. This is just like any other goal. Like new years resolution, how many times do we set a broad goal that isn't measurable and clearly not attainable. Like I'm going to work out more this year.... how do you measure that? Or something super unrealistic. What is in the Bible are guidelines to our lives that we must apply and live by. Joshua 1:8. Four steps that I learned to help me apply scripture to my life. First is that I must know the text, the only way to do that, is by spending time in the Word. Not half heartedly either. I must really spend some quality time, just like I would with any other relationship. Next, I need to relate it to my life. Once I know the Word of God, I must relate it to my own experience. Thirdly, really meditate on it, if I just rush through it to just get it done with and out of the way, then once again it is pointless. Really reflect on what I am seeing. There is no need to try and fly by and do it just to do it, God knows where your heart is, and you can't fool Him. Lastly, practice is an application of worship. You can do all the previous and it still won't really matter unless you practice and truly apply it to your life. It is much easier said than done, but the more you practice it, the more it will become part of your life. Remember that it is impossible to do this on your own. Rely on the Holy Spirit, it's what He is here for. When doing this use the application method today, like, how can I apply this today? All of this applies not to just me and us here at project, but everyone who claims the Lord or calls them self a Christian. Here are some simple examples from the same verses that I have used in the past Bible study training blogs. 2 Corinthians 3:18, I need to reflect Christ in my life, remember not to self deprecate because that is not honoring God, the Lord wants to life you up, not tear you down, reflect God's glory. 1 John 1:8-10, Just confess my sins, and don't make excuses, really receive God's forgiveness, and move on. Joshua 1:8, If you're not in the word then you will not follow His ways, you will forget what it says. That verse makes me wonder how non Christians do it, how do they live with hope and are not terrified. Lastly, Philippians 2:3-4, don't react from others, but be humble and put others first. All of these I need to do on a daily basis. Just writing these down and saying them once will not accomplish anything. I must look at His word multiple times a day and really reflect on it, practice it and apply it to my life. Also make it personal, don't say we or all of us, say me or I. Think about it? Please pray that I will actually do this, that I will daily apply this to my life and practice so that it will be real to me. So that I can reflect the Lord, and that I can glorify Him by my witness, because that is what it is all about. For the Glory of God.

Serving Him,

1 comment:

  1. Daniel - I believe that you ARE daily applying this to your life and practicing it; and you truly ARE reflecting the Lord and glorifying Him by your witness. Your blog is a true witness to how the Holy Spirit is working in your life and changing and shaping you into the man that God intended for you to be all along. Glory to Him!
    Love you ~ Mom
