Sunday, July 18, 2010

The God of my Future

First off for date day we went and saw Inception, and it was awesome, go see it. Anyways, tonight we talked about the future, and decisions that we will make. All biblical decision making begins with a willingness to submit your intentions to Gods perfect will and humbly follow His direction. The two most important decisions we will make in our lives are, who we marry and what career we pick. When you are picking your future spouse it must be with someone who you are going to run with for God the rest of your life. If they are not running just as hard or harder than you for the Lord, their holding you back. That is huge. Your career is next, because that is the mission field for the rest of your working life. Look to how Jesus made decisions, read Matthew 26:36-40,50-54. Notice that Jesus ultimately submitted to God. It is not bad to question Him, and it is ok to show anguish. Jesus di 3 times in the garden of Gethsemane. It all comes to trusting the Lord. We all need to just look hard times in the face and really know that God is enough. The purpose of our life is to know God and make Him known. Read Jeremiah 9:23-24, are we expanding our knowledge, reading the Bible, books, studying the scriptures, meditating and growing, knowing God and really growing on a daily basis. If not, why? Read 1 Peter 2:9, We need to make Him known, just like when you go see a good new movie. The first thing you do is call and tell your friends to go see the movie. Just like I did about Inception, we are excited to tell others. Thats how it should be when we are sharing God with others. 2 Corinthians 5, Summed up is about how we live by faith and not by sight. Our main goal in life is in all we do is to please Him, everything! Really think about that, in everything you do, do you do it for God? I don't. We need to remember daily that we were bought at a price, way to high of a price to do what we want. If it is not my life but Gods, then it must not be my choice but His. really think about that. 4 tips. Don't make decisions based off emotions alone, Jeremiah 17:9, you're going to be deceived by your feelings and you need to use wisdom. Don't make decisions without counsel, Proverbs 12:15, we're all good at finding excuses, and we need people to put us in check. Don't make decisions without the word, Psalm 119:105, without scripture you are in the dark and will stumble and fall, I promise. What else do you expect, God is the lamp unto your feet. Don't make decisions without prayer, 1 Kings 3:7-10, Romans 8:26-27, sometimes we find ourselves so confused that we don't even know what to ask for. He will give you the things to say and always answer your prayers. Try to wrap your brain around that. Lastly, watch out for the love of money and comfort. It will derail you from walking with God, believe me tough times are ahead, I know this even for my life. My man Tony says, "If we don't battle this in prayer it WILL FAIL!" The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy- Martin Luther King Jr. Their is a cost to following Jesus, Matthew 8:18-22, but it is totally worth it, Luke 18:28-30. Please pray that in all my decisions coming up not only these next few months but the rest of my life, that I will be willing to submit to God and that I will not make decisions off of emotions and that I will seek counsel, read the scripture, and pray.

Serving Him,

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