Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can We Trust The Bible

So many people say that the Bible isn't God's word. That is contradicts itself. That it is written by just man and that it has changed and adapted over the the many years. Others say that you can't believe everything in the Bible, only some. They pick out some words and not others, manipulate it to what they want it to say. People actually teach this, and it takes away from Gods truth, into what they want to hear. Read 2 Timothy 3:16, it basically shuts all the above up. You have to know how to defend the Bible, have knowledge, and really know what it says, if you don't you look ignorant. You have got to know why because others know why they believe why not, and they want to prove you wrong. There are three strong points why I believe that the Bible is true and God's Holy Word. 1. The New Testament is written too early to be legend. Biblical accounts of Jesus's life were circulating within the lifetimes of hundreds who witnessed the events of His ministry. Luke 1:1-4, is proven true by witnesses who attest to it. In 1 Corinthians 15:1-6, Jesus appeared to over 500 people after He was crucified. It would have been impossible for Christianity to spread if Jesus never said or did the things detailed in the gospel. 2. The New Testament is too counterproductive to be legend. Jesus appears to be weak and failing God. In the garden of Gethsemane he cried. On the cross He cries out, "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?" First off crucification in general, it was for the worst of the worst, the people they KNEW committed crimes, awful crimes. What kind of religion would portray a savior like that, not a fake one, that would make him high, mighty, and strong. His followers, the apostles, the eventual leaders of th early church, are depicted as petty, jealous, slow-witted, and cowards. If this was man made and fake, why would they make the leaders of the future be so flawed. The only plausible reason that all these incidents would be included in these accounts is that they actually happened. 3. The New Testament is too detailed to be legend. Ancient fiction was nothing like modern fiction. It didn't include a plot and character development. There are countless details in the gospel that are not relevant to the plot or character development. "I have been reading poems, romances, vision literature, legends, and myths all my life. I know what they are like and like I know none of them are like this. Of this (Gospel) text there are only two possible views. Either this is reportage.... or else, some unknown (ancient) writer... without known predecessors or successors, suddenly anticipated the whole technique of modern novelistic, realistic narrative..."- C.S. Lewis. The way the Bible was written, no one before this time wrote detailed fiction or for a long time after. For me I believe the Gospel is the truly God Breathed scriptures. It was very encouraging to just hear all of this. I am also planning on reading "Reinventing Jesus". Please pray that my knowledge in this subject will grow.

Serving Him,

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