Sunday, July 18, 2010

Let's Do This

Evangelism is key in being obedient to Christ. I should not just evangelize when I am down here, but for the rest of my life. I am told to go and make disciples. It is not easy, one of the cots of being a disciple is being persecuted. I will be made fun of, rejected, teased, maybe even picked on. Really I don't care. That is SO small compared to what happens to other Christians in different parts of the world, and what happened to Christians in the past. Plus my savior was crucified, so I can take a little persecution and rejection. The man verses of focus is Luke 9:23-25, Take up your cross and follow Christ. Is your life reflecting Jesus? Here are 4 quick things to help you. Luke 24:7, God calls us to come after Him, this means becoming one of His disciples. You can't do this without a heart change. Something has got to happen and your lifestyle must reflect it. This happened for me in January this past year. This is where clarifying your testimony is important. Luke 9:23, You must deny self, remember it is not about you. This is hard for me, I am man and sinful at heart. I sometimes try to make it about me. I must trust the sovereignty of God, and let that be enough. Matthew 10:38, Really take up your cross. What does that mean? Daily sacrificing for Him, if you do this, you will just about suffer daily. God first off says that whoever does not, is not worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven, so I see the relevance/ importance of doing it. It could mean getting up 30 min earlier to spend a quiet time with God, or going to bed 30 min later. Maybe not buying a certain CD or listening to certain music. Personally think about your own sacrifices, mine will be different from yours. Mark 8:35, Lose your life (not physically). Drop everything for Him, similar to what was written above. Whoever lives a self centered life will not find God, whoever gives it up will find everlasting life. This is a good chance to read these verses and reflect on your own life. Please pray that I can deny myself to further enter the kingdom, that I will take up my cross, and be willing to lose my life.

Serving Him,

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