Monday, July 12, 2010

The God of my Money

Sunday's are not only Natalie and my date day, but normally our laundry day and then at 7 stewardship training. All of this after going to church in the morning, of course. Well we learned about being stewards of our money. This is some convicting information and might bother some of you. NOTHING shows who we out our trust in more than our money does. "Show me your checkbook and your schedule and I'll show you who your God is." That is a quote from the pastor of ECBC, Buster Brown, in Charleston where I was attending church at the end of my senior year. Did you know that there are more verses in the Bible on money than heaven and hell combined? I didn't. So it sounds pretty important to me. Before we can talk about God's desire for the money we have, we must get perspective right regarding prosperity. Really read 1 Timothy 6:6-10. It is a great passage. Money is not evil, the love of money is... We all know that. Also a desire to be rich is wrong. If that is you, you immediately need to check your motives. This is contrary to everything we have been told by the world. Am I perusing God or my desires... I need to put my full trust in Him and that begins with my money. Mark 10:17-31. Despite what the world screams at us, prosperity is not the answer.** Psalm 73:12** read this. I was thinking my self, why, why does God not want me to be rich, why can't I be wealthy and comfortable. Read the rest of Psalm 73 especially verse 17, thats why! This does not mean 2 things. 1. This doesn't mean that you won't be wealthy, some of you will be, and that is ok. 2. No, being rich or anything like that doesn't make you not a Christian. But this knew prosperity gospel is a load of crap. I didn't know what it was so I will assume that you don't either. It basically says that if you trust God that He will make you prosperous and wealthy, but if you're not then their is something wrong. This is just awful, and it makes me mad. WATCH THIS (click the link or copy and past it into your internet. 3 simple things to remember when giving money back to God. God gave me the money, God could physically take the money away from me, and God doesn't need my money. How ridiculous is it we don't tithe. So, what does God want me to do with His money? First and foremost, tithe, write it off immediately. The Bible calls for 10%, that is not your, it is God's. He not only calls you to give, but to be a cheerful giver. Don't give because you have to and just do it. If that is your attitude, keep the money for yourself. Give cheerfully and quietly. Don't boast and try to show how good you are or how much you give. That is not the purpose and it is not how God calls you to give. The next few are simple guidelines for newer people like me coming into the world. After tithing I need to save, then love (it is ok to live) It is the blessings that God gives you and you must enjoy life. Their is also a difference in saving, and hording you money for yourself. Next we should help others. If the good Samaritan didn't have money then that story would have not existed. If their is a fellow Christian in need and you don't help, that is sinful. It is sinful not to help out your brothers in need, that is the point of the church. If you are a good steward of your money, you will have it to tithe, save, live, and help. Anything left over can then go towards your ridiculous spending, whatever that may be. Lastly and most importantly learn to tithe with your first few checks or you won't learn at all. I don't care who you are, this is true. You play how you practice. So many people say they don't have enough money now but when they do start they will tithe. That is a lie. It will be even harder when the checks get bigger and you have to give $600 away to the church, and you won't. Malachi 3:10, Gos says Test me on this. That is the only place in the Bible where God asks you to test Him. This is something that I have started to do since January, please pray that I continue this and that it won't be a chore. Please pray that I give willingly and cheerfully and that I will continue to do so when I start making the bigger bucks and/or when times are tough.

Serving Him,

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