This morning was the last meeting and John Muller, the guy I spoke about yesterday gave it. He started off the talk explaining how this world has a battle going to daily. People are deprived by Satan, they are deprived of all the good that God provides. He's like a lion prowling on all of us, the Kingdom of God is under attack daily. Thankfully we have the truth, and we have to battle because Satan hates you. The reality of this world is there are the saved Christians and every one else who is hell bound and there is tension. It is our responsibility to share the Gospel to as many of these people as we can. John talked about how he likes stories, he gave examples of movies and books. A great story he shared from 1 Samuel 14:1-23 is one about the Philistines and how they had the Israelites oppressed. (You have got to read this story). They were in such control that they took all their blacksmiths and weapons. There were only 2 swords owned by the King, Samuel, and his son, Johnathon. Johnathon got sick of it one day and went up with one other and ended up defeating the Philistines, you really got to read this story. He led a huge revolt, and the Lord saved Israel that day because of it. This is so practical to us and our daily lives. In order for God to work, he had to leave camp and go to the enemy. He also had someone with him, they trusted God, and had room for God to make moves. He started a fight. This all should relate to our lives. We all must be willing to start spiritual fights for the Lord. The people in our daily lives are the people that we need to be saving, the devil doesn't want you to. We are the only ones with truth who can help save them. A good analogy would be the Philistines being evil and the Israelites living among them are just like the lost people living around us. The Israelites who hid are just like Christians who hide, daily. We should be the the 2 with the swords and were not, we make excuses. We should be the ones who want to fight. We would look different, just like Johnathon. The Lord used Him to change and save a nation, it literally shook the earth. Why are we not willing to do that. I know I don't. We need to put our selves in a position only God can help you. Only a praying man can do, its bold and we need to take a step of faith. People can tell the way you pray by the way you live your life. We need to identify our comfort zones and stay away from them, or you will never be used. Look for people to challenge and challenge them. Run with those who are fighting. In order to do this you have got to put your complete hope and trust in God, this takes faith. We either under challenge ourselves, don't challenge, and offer weak prayers to God. Set evangelistic goals, you are not going to make anyone if you don't set goals. Even if you don't hit your goals God won't love you less, and if you make them he won't love you more. If you think you are up to it ask God, "What do you want from me" and no matter what money, time, girlfriend, boyfriend, give it all to Him. Praise God anytime, anyplace, anything. Live with a purpose, say "My life is Yours, what do you want to do with it." We ask God this, but we never move out of our comfort zones. Please pray that I will make war against my enemy wherever I go. That I will be strong and stand up. That I will yield the sword and trust God with my ALL. That I will get out of my comfort zones, not make excuses and just trust in my Lord, have faith. Not just now, but for all the days of my life.
Serving Him,
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