Today was a full day. My roommate and best friend here on project, Josh,got up with me early this morning and went to the gym. It was nice to finally workout with someone else. Then I had a full days work, which might get rare because of this oil spill. When I got off I ran errands with Natalie and got stocked up for the next week or so. Then I got in the word with Josh and we spent some real solid time together. We read 1 Peter 3:13-17. I suggest you take a look. It has a whole lot of wisdom to soak up. The first thing that stood out to me was verse 15. Always be prepared to give an answer... give reason for the hope I have. This hit me hard. I know the bible, I grew up with a father as a minister and Christian schooling, but can I really defend my knowledge against others. We talked about how sometimes it seems like the non-Christian atheists or agnostics study up so much to disprove the Bible, our gospel. I realized that I need to have a stronger defense. Faith alone will not suffice with these types of people. The only way to have a good offense and be prepared to give an answer as God calls, give reason for my hope, is by studying the scripture. The nest thing that really hit at home is the beginning of verse 15, it says to set Christ apart. Meaning to make Him first. I don't always do that. How many times will I put off doing a Bible study, or miss getting in the word, forget to pray, make up excuses to spend time with Him. On the other hand do you know how many workouts I've missed or runs I've missed since I have been down here...? Not once, I haven't missed one workout or run. That is my priority. I will get up at 6:30 a.m. to go to the gym, but I won't get up early to spend time with my creator. Yea, it hit me kinda hard, and me and josh talked about these struggles. I need to be careful to not make my workouts or body and idol. I will sacrifice my time with The Holy one to play cards with my roommates, but no, no, no I won't sacrifice a lift. It is definitely discouraging, and I need to get my priorities straight. I need to make sacrifices and suffer for God. This is when the encouragement comes in. Verse 17, "It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. This is what motivates me and makes me keep coming back for more. God will use whatever, others, scripture, own personal convictions to set you back on track. But it is much better to suffer for good than evil. Please pray I don't make idols before the Lord, and that I will keep my priorities in check. Also that I will truly be willing to suffer for Him.
Serving Him,
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