Why do I pray, get in the Word, share the Gospel, choose not to get drunk, am here on summer beach project, why should I share my testimony. Because that is what I want to do, not because I have to, it is something I feel called to do. Today we really learned the importance of sharing your testimony. Why share it? Read John 4:27-42. We should use it not to try and convince someone, but rather to speak the truth. A testimony is something that is glorifying God by communicating a personal story that's so beautiful in your life. When the Spirit of God rescued you from the pit of hell. A story of repentance and trust in the one and only God. It is also an easy and great way to share the Gospel, because an effective testimony really does share the Gospel. We should view the world the way Jesus does, if we don't then we're not getting it, John 2:19. 3 things that a person must do. First is recognize. Recognize the problem, we are all sinners and our sin causes separation from God, Isiah 59:2. We need to realize that we are the problem, not God. Second Realize. Realize the solution, Jesus death was not required, it was a choice, as He tells us in Mark 10:45. The righteousness one died for the unrighteous. Third Respond. So what must I do to be saved, Mark 8:34. You have to first die to self, and accept Christ as Lord of your life. Their is a huge difference in someone who uses God and someone who has a deep rooted, intimate relationship with God. When we respond to the Gospel of Christ it means that we repent and I mean literally and seriously change our mind and view of the world, the way Jesus would. We must realize what Christ has done for us and rejoice in Him and throw our selfishness aside. Today I had the opportunity to not only share the Gospel to a total stronger, but also give my testimony. I am not going to share it tonight, but I have a very good testimony that I feel many people can relate to. I shared with a rough looking guy most of us would usually just walk by. His nickname was "Lucky" (I never got his real name). I shared the Gospel with him today and shared my personal testimony. He really listened and he took the track. He also said he was interested in reading more of the Bible. I planted a seed today, that is all God asks of me. My roommate Josh and I also had the opportunity to share the Gospel with 2 other young guys today at the beach. My most success yet. I am getting much better at this and I am thankful. Because I realized that it was not me talking, but the Holy Spirit through me. Your prayers are working, keep them going.
Serving Him,
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