Monday, June 21, 2010

Lost Focus

This is almost just a side note blog, this isn't the usual blog time or message. Today I was feeling weird about my last couple blogs, something just didn't feel right. So I sent my mom a text and I asked her about them, and she ended up calling me. I told her that I felt like my last couple blogs have just felt funny to me, not my usual writing. She couldn't think of a word and she basically told me that my blogs have become almost preachy and that they have lost the touch of the original intention of the blog. I immediately agreed with her. Lately I have been rushing through my blogs, just knocking them out before I go to bed and carelessly leaving errors and confused messages. Secondly, and more importantly I once again let my pride get in the way. When I first started doing this blog, I was really just doing it for me. I didn't care if anybody was reading it, I was doing it more for my self than anything else, like a good way to catch up before I went to bed. Recently I have been told that I am doing such a good job, and how awesome it is, and how I am a good writer, and it has all gone to my head. I let that take control instead of what was really important. I lost my focus. I don't know why, but I am surprised that Satan was able to turn this on me. Once put in perspective I realize now that my writing has started to get a little preachy and self-righteous. What I do find encouraging is how the Holy Spirit works. This morning my mom said that she was thinking these same thoughts and she sent me a text saying, "thinking about you" that is when I preceded to ask her if she thought my blogs were "off" because I felt like I have lost touch and that they weren't good. We had a great conversation and I felt that it was necessary to write this today. I will try and make my remaining blogs, like I did before, more personal and about me. Not trying to preach and impress people with my writing. It feels nice to get this conviction off of my chest. Please pray that I can keep working on my pride and all my other struggles.

Serving Him,

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