Sunday, June 13, 2010


I had a day where I could sleep in, nothing to do until 1:00. Our talk today was about evangelism and how our greatest barrier to the Gospel is ourselves. Read Matthew 26:69-72. When we go share the Gospel we must get over ourselves. You are not doing it for you, and you cannot do it on your own. Sometimes we get caught up doing the right things but for the wrong reasons. It is just our human nature. It can be tough to evangelize, we might be scared or un- confident. Christians today must engage the culture around them; we have to talk to people. Think about your won personal life, how many times a day do you just walk around and walk by people and say nothing. We just walk by, not even saying hey. We must talk to people. Step 1- Say hey, thats all it takes, just grab their attention. Step-2 speak up don't be stuck up, it's not about you. The Gospel starts with a conversation, their is no other way to share. We must relate to the world in which we live in, take in trust in someone, care for someone, build a relationship, and share the Lord. I know it is scary and you might be afraid, it might be un comfortable, you might get made fun of, you might lose a friend, someone might get made at you, you might not do a good job. Your identity is on the cross. Those are a lot of maybe or what if's, and so what! Who cares, Christ is your savior and it is HE you should worry or care about. Not worldly things. I know it seems like I am talking a big game, and you might be thinking, Daniel it is easier said than done. Why don't you do it. Well yesterday we went to evangelize on the beach. I felt called to go out by myself. I am not going to lie, I was nervous. You look at everyone and analyze everyone so much different when you are planning to walk up to one of them and share the Gospel. I saw my guy, he had just walked his buddy to the edge of the pier and was walking back to his spot on the beach. I B lined for him. I walked up and said hey man whats up. I asked him where he was from, what he was, doing, down here, what he did. Then I Just hit him with it. I said, "What do you believe about God?" He told me he wasn't sure, and I just let him talk for a minute. I then asked him if I could share something with him. It was my first time ever doing this, so I had my tools ready. I pulled out my track and walked him through it. I used the bridge diagram, for those of you who don't know, it is a picture of human and sin and God and holiness on the other side. The only way to get to God is through Jesus. He seemed very receptive and I tried my best explaining all of it to Him. As soon as I pulled out the track The Holy Spirit took over. I put my trust in God and He took care of me, nothing new there. i was nervous and scared, and as soon as I opened my mouth about Him, He took over the conversation for me. Joel wasn't completely ready to give his life over to God, but he seemed very interested and took the track. His name was Joel, and I will be praying that God will be working in His life. I was nervous and a little scared, but I trusted Him. This time I was more prepared, I prayed and put my trust in God, and I had tools to help me. Next time will be even easier. Keep up the prayers.

Serving Him,


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