Every Monday night at 7 we have D group. If you have been following, D Group stands for our discipleship group. It is just our room of 5 guys, which have all gotten very close in these last 2 weeks. Again my roommates are Graham- The room leader, Josh, Mark, and Sean. We all live in 1 small hotel room and are very close. Tonight we went over strengths and weaknesses. Mine are every day getting in the Word 30 minutes everyday. I only missed two this week, but I set a goal and now will have 4 daily reminders from my roommates. The other is scripture memory, which I struggle with extremely, I didn't take it very seriously this past week, and my goal for this week is to learn all three verses. I'll let you know how that goes, we're going to be studying on a nightly basis. The roommates struggles are all confidential, so you only get to hear about mine. I tend to get frustrated daily and decide to let it build up slowly over stupid little things. Then when the tension gets to breaking point it's over something so small and stupid that it makes me look like a big jerk. My roommates are on it, but your prayers definitely won't hurt. Other wise I'm doing pretty awesome. Something I am doing very well on is balancing my time with Natalie. My roommates even commented about it tonight. I was worried that I would either over indulge my time with her, or that I wouldn't spend enough. I am here for the Lord first and foremost, but she is a huge part of my life and will stay apart of my life, for those of you who don't know, she's the one. And I'm trying to build our relationship more on His foundation, and she is amazing. So we're doing great! We then talked about Isiah 30:15 and we really dissected it and dug into it. It starts off saying "Sovereign Lord" "Holy One" (NIV) this signifies and reminds us of the importance of GOD. the verse then goes onto the importance of true repentance, the need for quietness in our life, and the necessity of rest. Even God rested on the seventh day and so should we. It was an awesome time with my brothers. We then all went over the goals we set up for project and all told each other what we need help on. I wrote down everyones and visa versa. So accountability in our room is huge. Praise God. Keep praying for anything and everything.
Serving Him,
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