Last time we had bible study training we talked about observation. If you have been reading the blogs, that one was a week ago from today. Tonight we talked about interpretation. Interpretation answers the question, What does it mean? After you observe the text and ask many questions you interpret what you have observed. The meaning is not our subjective thoughts read into the text, but God's objective truth read out of the text. Their are helpful steps to help you really interpret what you are reading. Because at first I had no idea what to do and I felt very lost. First you must realize you cannot do it on your own. Next you must rely on the Holy Spirit to help you. The Spirit of God will guide you in all truth, without Him we can't do anything. If you stay connected to the vine and we can do anything. Read John 14:24 and John 16:13. Next thing you do is answer the questions that you observed using the 5 C's. Content, Context, Comparison, Culture, Consultation. They are all fairly self explanatory, but very helpful. Content is the raw materials, data base, with which you will interpret the text. Content is what goes before and after the text. It is helpful to read the whole chapter of what verse you are reading from so you can see the whole picture (Context is King). Comparison is something I have recently started to do, its using resources. Like cross reference, a concordance, and using a topical Bible. It is great to get different perspectives in scripture. Scripture will back up scripture, it's pretty awesome. Lastly Consultation, Bible dictionaries are huge, commentaries are great, and seeking Godly counsel is the best. Go to someone like your pastor if you don't understand something. Use your tools though. Here are some principals that has helped me. Remember that context rules. Always seek the full counsel of the Word of God. Remember that Scripture will never contradict Scripture. Do not base your doctrine on an obscure passage of Scripture. Interpret Scripture literally. Look for the author's intended meaning of the passage. Lastly, check your conclusion by using reliable commentaries. I know some of this may be slightly overwhelming. This is how I start off. I enter my quiet time asking God to warm my heart to Him and His word. Next I ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom in understanding. After I read the scripture I write it down and I really observe it and pick it apart. I go over it several times and then I read the entire chapter in which the verse came from. Cross Reference is huge, and it really helps you understand things that are trying to be portrayed through the scriptures. It might be tedious at times, but I promise it is extremely helpful and has greatly improved my quiet time with the Lord. Well my mom arrives tomorrow for parents weekend, and I am picking her up from the air port at 3. So pray for safe travels for her and parents weekend here at the beach.
Serving Him,
I'm on my way!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Daniel, have a wonderful weekend with your mother. I continue to read and enjoy and benefit from your blog.You have wisdom beyond your years. May God use you mightily. In His Love, Andy Sonfield